Spring is coming and we’ve got lots on the go….
Energy-WISE, we’re working with the carbon reduction company, Sustain, and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on an energy-saving project in 9 schools. We ran a training morning for teachers,bursars and site staff and now the schools are getting stuck into a variety of technical and student-focused energy-saving actions. The aim is for them to cut their energy bills by 10%…. we’ll let you know how they get on.
We’re also enjoying the fact that spring is in the air, and schools are thinking about gardens and growing. We’ve put together a great twilight session on‘Developing a Global Garden in your School’ that we’re hoping schools will sign up for. Feedback on the courses we have run has been very encouraging…”Great practical ideas”….”Inspiring”….”One of the best Insets we’ve had”…. So do get in touch if you would like more information – or look at our events page.
In March we will be working with Hilperton Primary School to help them build an African Keyhole Garden! We’ve worked with Send a Cow to develop this activity day and we’d be happy to discuss ways of doing something similar in your school.
And finally (for now)….we’re putting on a day’s training for teachers to complete the first level of a new, nationally recognised accreditation called the Global Teachers Award. We’re working with Wiltshire Global Education Centre on this and the event is on 11th March in Bath. See the Events page for details.