Jacqui Grainger

Author's posts

Green and Global for Autumn 2013

Green and Global for Autumn 2013 The end of last term saw us getting our hands dirty creating Keyhole Gardens, bag gardens and water tip taps with children ranging from four to sixteen (not all at once!).  As well as trying their hand at lots of new gardening methods, the pupils were fascinated to learn …

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2013 – Looking ahead

Spring is coming and we’ve got lots on the go…. Energy-WISE, we’re working with the carbon reduction company, Sustain, and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on an energy-saving project in 9 schools.  We ran a training morning for teachers,bursars and site staff and now the schools are getting stuck into a variety of technical …

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Turning over a new LEAF for 2012

WISE is very pleased to be starting the New Year by working with Bath & West Community Energy on their project funded by the LEAF (Local Energy Assessment Fund).  The LEAF funded feasibility study will focus on 5 schools in Bath and Wiltshire and see WISE carrying out energy awareness work both within the schools …

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News for the new school year.

The end of last term saw a busy time with the Global School Partnership workshops well attended, and a final evaluation carried out and report written for Send a Cow on the Grow it Global project.  We also ran a successful series of three twilight sessions on Eco-Schools topics and Frome schools and would like …

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Spring update

Our energy and Eco-Schools training day was a great success.  Many thanks to all the Carymoor staff and the enthusiastic teachers who contributed this. Since then we have been busy with other activities including a Global School Partnership workshop held together with African Initiatives, and input to two schools events: ‘Your World Your Say’ a …

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Our first WISE words….

Welcome to the WISE website – thank you for visiting and we hope you like it! We are pleased to be able to tell you about our first WISE event, which we are organising jointly with the Carymoor Environmental Trust. On Wednesday 16th February 2011 we will be running an Inset day on ‘Energy and …

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